

By Holland Buckley




1-The general appearance of the West Highland White Terrier
 is that of a small, game, hardy-looking terrier, possessed with
no small amount of self-esteem, with a varminty appearance,
strongly built, deep in chest and back ribs, straight back and
powerful quarters, on muscular legs, and exhibiting in a marked
degree, a great combination of strength and activity.
      The coat should be about 2 ¼ inches long, white in colour,
hard, with plenty of soft undercoat, with no tendency to wave or curl.
    The tail should be as straight as possible, and carried
not too gaily, and covered with hard hair, but not bushy.
    The skull should not be too broad, being in proportion to
the powerful jaws.
    The ears shall be as small and sharp-pointed as possible, and carried
tightly up, and must be absolutely erect.
    The eyes of moderate size, dark hazel in colour, widely placed,
with a sharp, bright, intelligent expression.
    The muzzle should not be too long, powerful, and gradually tapering
toward the nose.
    The nose, roof of mouth, and pads of feet distinctly black in colour

2-Colour :
   Pure white; any other colour objectionable.

3-Coat :
    Very important, and seldom seen to perfection;
must be double-coated.
    The outer coat consists of hard hair, about 2 inches long
and free from any curl.
    The under coat, which resembles fur, is short soft and close.
Open coats are objectionable.

4-Size :
   Dogs to weight from 14 to 18 lbs, and bitches from 12 to 16 lbs,
and measure from 8 to 12 inches at the shoulder.

5- Skull :
    Should not be too narrow, being in proportion to his powerful jaw,
not too long, slightly domed, and gradually tapering to the eyes,
between there should be a slight indentation or stop, eyebrows heavy,
head and neck tightly coated with hair.

6-Eyes :
    Widely set apart, medium in size, dark hazel in colour,
slightly sunk in the head, sharp and intelligent, which looking
from under the heavy eyebrows give a piercing look.

     Full eyes and also light coloured eyes are very objectionable.

7-Muzzle :
    Should be nearly equal in length to the rest of the skull,
powerful and gradually tapering toward the nose,
which should be fairly wide.
    The jaws level and powerful, the teeth square or evenly met,
well set and large for the size of the dog.
    The nose should be distinctly black in colour.

8-Ears :
    Small, erect, carried lightly up, and terminating in a sharp point.
    The hair of them should be short, smooth, velvety,
and they should not be cut.
    The ears should be free from any fringe at the top.
    Round pointed, broad, and large ears are very objectionable,
also ears too heavily covered with hair.

9-Neck :
Muscular and nicely set on sloping shoulders.

10-Chest :
    Very deep, with breadth in proportion with the size of the dog.

11-Body :
    Compact, straight back, ribs deep and well arched
in the upper half of ribs, presented a flattish side appearance,
loins broad and strong, hind quarters strong,
muscular and wide across the top.

12-Legs and feet :
    Both fore and hind legs should be short and muscular.
    The shoulder-blades should be comparatively broad
and well sloped backwards.
    The points of the shoulder-blades should be closely knitted
into the backbone so that very little movement of them
should be noticeable when the dog is walking.
    The elbow should be close in to the body both when
moving or standing, thus causing the foreleg to be well
placed in under the shoulder.
    The forelegs should be straight and tightly covered
with short hard hair.
    The hind legs should be short and sinewy.
   The thighs very muscular and not too wide apart.
   The hocks bent and well set in under the body, so as to be
fairly close to each other either when standing,
walking or trotting.
   The fore feet are larger than the hind ones, are round,
proportionate in size, strong, thickly padded,
and covered with short hard hair.
   The hind feet are smaller and thickly padded.
   The under surface of the pads of feet and all the nails
should be distinctly black in colour.
   Cow hocks detract from the general appearance.
   Straight or weak hocks, both kinds, are undesirable,
and should be guarded against.

 13-Tail :
    Five or six inches long, covered with hard hairs, no feather,
as straight as possible, carried gaily, but not curled over back.
   A long tail is objectionable.
   On no account should tails be docked, vide KC Rule VI. Appendix II.

14-Movement :
   Should be free, straight and easy all round.
   In front the leg should be freely extended forward
by the shoulder.
    The hind movement should be free, strong and close.
   The hocks should be freely flexed and drawn close in under
the body, so that when moving off the foot the body is
thrown or pushed forward with some force.
    Stiff  stilty movement behind is very objectionable.


 1-Coat :
   Any silkiness, wave or tendency to curl is a serious blemish,
as is also an open coat, and any black, grey or wheaten hairs.

2-Size :
   Any specimen under the minimum weight or above
the maximum weight are objectionable.

3-Eyes :
    Full or light coloured.

4-Ears :
    Round-pointed, drop, semi-erect, also ears too
heavily covered with hairs.

5-Muzzle :
    Either under or over shot, and defective teeth.


 Some of the comments by Holland Buckley :

“The club’s scale of points I have discarded as worthless and, indeed, ridiculous.”…

“I have deleted from the description that the roof of the mouth should be black; I have, I suppose, judge every first class specimen, both before and after the club was instituted, and I never yet seen any but party-colour roofs in the best specimens, and honesty, I don’t desire to; there may be aesthetic reasons for the black hue to the Thames Tunnel”, but I know of no practical ones in the dogs, so have left that portion out as misleading.”….

“We may one day breed them mostly white, but when, as now, the giants of the breed (heaven save the mark) are cream coloured, it savours of the worst hypocrisy to pretend that they are to be “outed”….

“The club weights I also disagree with. The ideal weights are, or should be, from my point of view: for bitches, 14 lbs, to 15lbs; for dogs, 16 lbs, to 17 lbs maximum.”…