Pedigree de Bellevue Airborne



Ch. Krisma Streetwise
Ch. Wesscots One Knight Stand Wesscots Knight Ayr Int. Ch. Wesscots Knight F' Dancin Wesscots Royale Male
Chelsea Girl Of Leastar
Wesscots Liberty Ch. Clan Crinan
Mulroy Magic Moments of Wesscots
Wesscots Honeymoon Nat'l. Ch. Wesscots Knight 'F Lovin Can. Ch. Trewen Discovery
Wesscots Liberty
Ashgate Braw Bricht Lass Ch. Olac Moonpilot
Ch. Ashgate Sheigra
Krisma Keynote at Olac Ch. Olac Moonpilot Olac Moonmaverick Nat'l. Ch. Arnholme Aces High
Ch. Halfmoon of Olac
Olac Wintermoon Famecheck Specialty
Suzanne So Sweet
Ch. Lasara Hell Of A Girl Ch. Lasara Love-All Ch. Midshipman Of Haweswalton
Lasara Lucky Lot
Ch. Lasara 'L For Leather Am. Ch. Ballacoar Moffat is Justrite
Lasara Leading Lady

Ch. Bellevue Tiger Lilly

Ch. Bournehaven Birthday Guy Ch. Ashgate Bern Era At Bellevue Ch. Ashgate Sinclair Ger. Ch. Ashgate Lenzie
Ch. Ashgate Sallachy
Ashgate Braw Bright Lass Ch. Olac Moonpilot
Ch. Ashgate Sheigra
Bellevue Ringleader at Bournehaven Ch. Mac Hars at Bellevue Nat'l. Ch. Ashgate Fin Me Oot
Colpatin Maggie
Dellie Fure of Bellevue Ch. Ashgate Connel
Queen Oaks Pride
Bellevue Sweet Charity Sealaw Run On Batteries Famecheck Mountain Guide Famecheck Paramount
Ch. Famecheck Full Of Hope
Sealaw Battery Not Included Brenneil Tom Pepper
Rosica Erra Dale by Ashgate
Bellevue Duchess Ch. Ashgate Bern Era At Bellevue Ch. Ashgate Sinclair
Ashgate Braw Bright Lass
Taleeca Fatal Attraction Ch. Mac Hars of Bellevue
Tollbridge Hannah
Né le 03 mars 2002 LOF  045680/05841
Producteur Mrs. Tina Squire (UK) Ch. France, Ch. International, Ch. Allemagne-VDH, Ch. Suisse, Ch. Italie, Ch. Monaco, Ch. Allemagne-KFT , Ch. Luxembourg
Identification Electronique 985120008872578 Identification ADN Labogena F/S 005316
Cotation 6 Points Elite A