Westie Standard


Standard 1911

General Appearance :
Strongly built, deep in chest and back ribs; level back
and powerful quarters
on muscular legs and exhibiting
in a marked degree a great combination of strength and activity.


Characteristics :
 Small, active, game, hardy, possessed of no small amount
of self-esteem with a varminty appearance.


Temperament :
    Alert, gay, courageous, self reliant but friendly.


Head & Skull :
Skull slightly domed; when handled across forehead
 presents a smooth contour.
     Tapering very slightly from skull at level of ears to eyes.
Distance from occiput to eyes slightly greater than
length of foreface.
    Head thickly coated wit hair, and carried at right angle
 or less, to axis of neck.
   Head not to be carried in extended position.
   Foreface gradually tapering eye to muzzle.
   District stop formed by heavy, bony ridges immediately
above and slightly overhanging eye, and slight indentation
 between eyes.
   Foreface not dished or falling away quickly below eyes,
where it is well made up. Jaws strong and level . Nose black
and fairly large, forming smooth contour with rest
of the muzzle. Nose not projecting forward.

Eyes :
   Set wide apart, medium in size, not full, as dark
as possible. Slightly sunk in head, sharp and intelligent,
which, looking from under heavy eyebrows, impart
a piercing look.
   Light coloured eyes highly undesirable.


Mouth :
    As broad between the canine teeth as is consistent
with the varminty expression required.
    Teeth large for size of dog, with regular scissor bite, i.e.
Upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and
set square to the jaws.

Neck :
    Sufficiently long to allow proper set on of head
required, muscular and gradually thickening towards
base allowing neck to merge into nicely sloping shoulders.


Forequarters :
 Shoulders sloping backwards. Shoulder blades broad
and lying close to the chest wall.
    Shoulder joint placed forward, elbows well in, allowing
foreleg to move freely, parallel to axis of body.
     Forelegs short and muscular, straight and thickly
covered with short, hard hair.

Body :
   Compact. Back level, loins broad and strong.
Chest deep and ribs well arched in upper half presenting
a flattish side appearance. Back ribs of considerable depth
and distance from last rib to quarters as short as
compatible with free movement of body.

Hindquarters :
   Strong, muscular and wide across top. Legs short,
muscular and sinewy.
   Thighs very muscular and not to wide apart. Hocks
bent and well set in under body so as to be fairly close
to each otherwhen standing or moving. Straight or weak
hocks most under body so as to be fairly close
to each other when standing or moving. Straight or
weak hocks most undesirable.


Feet :
    Forefeet large than hind, round, proportionate in size,
strong, thickly padded. Under surface of pads and
all nails preferably black.

Tail :
    5 to 6 inches long, covered with harsh hairs, no feathering,
as straight as possible, carried jauntily, not gay
or carried over the back. A long tail undesirable
and on no account should tails be docked.


Gait/Movement :
   Free, straight and easy all round. In front legs freely
extended forward from the shoulder. Hind movement free,
strong and close. Stifle and hocks well flexed
and hocks drawn under the body giving drive. Stiff,
stilted movement behind and cow hocks highly undesirable.

Coat :
Double coated. Outer coat consists of harsh hair,
about 5 cms (2ins.) long free from any curl.
    Undercoat, which resembles fur, short, soft and close.
Open coats most undesirable.

Colour :

Size :
Height at withers approximately 28 cms (11 ins).

Faults :
    Any departure from the foregoing points should be
considered a fault and the seriousness which the fault
should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Note :
    Male animals should have two apparently normal
testicles fully descended into the scrotum.  



Standard 1911